
How does a non-profit organization apply for this opportuntiy?

To be considered, please complete Kelley Marketing Group’s Application Form (Word document), or fill out this online application.

What’s the format?

After brief introductions, there will be a brainstorming session until 9:00 am focused on the one or two “takeaways” provided by the “client.”
There will be refreshments.

When are the meetings?

Unless otherwise scheduled, the second Wednesday of the month at 7:45am until 9:00am


The meeting is from 7:30am to 9:00am at Champlain College’s Room 102 of Wick Hall (building 19 on map).

Will the meetings be warned?

Yes, members will receive an e-mail informing them of upcoming meeting and will receive the “client’s” answers (form).

Why Champlain College?

Over the years, several the Kelley Marketing Group members have been Champlainers. We thought that the Kelley Marketing Group fit in nicely with Champlain’s mission and we also saw it as an opportunity to introduce our students to observe marketing in action.

Where to park?

Generally there is street parking available. Nevertheless, you will receive a parking permit for nearby Champlain College off street lots. Please print it, and display it on your dashboard.

Are you interested in becoming a consultant for The Kelley Marketing Group?

If you are a marketing professional and are interested in joining, e-mail kelleymarketinggroupvt@gmail.com. You will not be required to attend all or most meetings. If you have an idea for the “client”, but are unable to attend, just send your thoughts to Jay and he will present it or send it directly to the “client.”